Friday, July 24, 2015

New Tricks for the Puppy

When we were back in Oregon, Tucker had the chance to meet my parents' new puppy, Charlie. Charlie is a  6-month old Golden Retriever and he and Tuck became the best of puppy friends.

One day before the reunion, I got out a bag of 12 tennis balls. We took one out, put the bag on the counter in the kitchen and went out in the living room. We decided to play find and seek with Tuck. We tell him to sit and stay at the end of the hallway and then come hide the tennis ball. Charlie was with Tuck. When we tell Tuck to "find it", Tuck looks all over the living room and was having a hard time finding it. At the same time, I see Charlie head into the kitchen. He jumps up to the counter, grabs the bag of balls, and trots past the living room down the stairs all with a sheepish little grin. We had a good laugh.

I told my mom that my dog may be more obedient than her's, but her's is much smarter than mine.